Oh hey!

found my paper crane!

Did you know that paper cranes are a symbol of hope and healing?

I leave paper cranes in the community to spread a message of hope, healing and kindness.

I don’t think it was a mistake that you found this paper crane.

I don’t know if you’re going through something… or if life is peachy…

But either way, I want you to know, that:

  • You are worthy.

  • You are valuable.

  • There is hope.

  • And kindness can change lives.

Please don’t give up.

Keep on going.

Everything is going to be OK.

I really hope that this paper crane has made your day!

It is my hope that by leaving these paper cranes around the community, people will begin to feel hope and also inspired to spread acts of kindness!

Now what from here?

If this paper crane spoke to you or meant something to you…

Then please, keep it.

Let it be a reminder that no matter what you’re going through in life, there is always hope.

Otherwise, feel free to leave this paper crane somewhere in the community

For someone else to find.

Perhaps they need a little bit of hope too.

Please let me know that you found this paper crane.