You are all welcomed here, no matter who you are.

your soul
is attracted to people

the same way flowers
are attracted to the sun,

surround yourself
only with those
who want to see you grow.

- Pavana

Something that I have always wrestled with on social media and this website is the idea of an “avatar”. If you’re not sure what that means, basically it’s having an idea of who your “target audience” is. Their gender, age group, socioeconomic, location etc- basically all of the external factors that make up a human. They say it’s really important to have this clear in your mind, so that you can write content specifically targeted towards this “avatar”.

This makes me feel so uncomfortable, because I’ve never been someone to look at the outside of a person. I’ve never cared how rich or poor someone is, what they look like, if they’re artists, sports people or nerds. All that matters to me is what’s on the inside of the person. What is their heart like? Are they kind? Do they treat other people with respect and integrity? You could be rich and famous, but if you’re a jerk I don’t think I’d actually want to know you (haha).

I also feel weird about the “avatar” idea because I think sometimes we can forget that it’s real people reading these words. You are more to me than an avatar, of if you fit into my “niche”. I don’t like the idea of boxing people in, or discluding someone if your’e not the “perfect match”.

I want you to all know- You are welcomed here.

It doesn’t matter where you live, how much money you make, the colour of your skin, if you’re male/female/trans, if your’e a mum or not… I accept you for you.

If you’re inspired by kindness- wanting to be kinder to yourself and kinder to others… Then please stick around. Kindness is the universal language that connects and unites us together- despite our external differences.


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