Why an INFJ or EMPATH might struggle to build an online business.

I’m not going to sugar coat it- building an online business has been HARD. Especially when you try to do it like everyone else and not finding your own unique flavour and flow.

But it is definitely DO-ABLE. And I think INFJ’s and empaths can build beautiful, world impacting businesses. It’s just important that you remember the following:

  1. Don’t get caught up in “hustle culture”. You will see a lot of this message flying around. But trust me, you will quickly burn out, people will see right through you, and you will quit before you even start. Know your energy levels and stick with them- even if it’s a slower process.

  1. INFJ’s and empaths don’t like to hurt people. The problem with social media is that, often, to go “viral” we need to create controversy. It seems that the algorithm loves a controversial topic! And us INFJ’s and Empaths will do what we can to avoid this. Stick to what you know. Stick to what you believe in.

  2. You try and build a business that isn’t aligned with your values. Trust me, I’ve tried to do this (Back in 2008, a website about feet. Like, seriously?). But if your business is aligned with your values, and your purpose, then you will keep going when the going gets tough.

  1. Afraid of criticism. Ahh, if you watched my latest You Tube videos you know I struggle with this! INFJ’s and empaths do not like to be criticised, it can be soul destroying. Unfortunately, being on the internet, you open yourself up to a lot of this BS. But stick with point number 3 and you should be right.

What sort of business are you building? (Or want to build.) Let me know down below!


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