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Life Stuff Samantha Ruckle Life Stuff Samantha Ruckle

Konmari - The perfect time to do a purge in your house.

“I’m on a purge.

And it feels so good.

If I’m completely honest with you, this year has been hard. There have been a lot of trials, disappointment and frustration. Dustin and I have been craving for a change, hoping for a new season to start. We’ve been pretty exhausted, and over it- basically.

For the last few weeks I’ve been crying out…”What is it that we need to do to create change!?” It’s been feeling very stagnant. Stiff. In a rut- starting from the home (centre of our heart, hey?), and beginning to trickle into my business.

We’ve been wanting to feel refreshed and invigorated.

Excited. After countless hints from the universe, we decided to do Konmari. We did this a few years ago, and it was life transformative.

With the COVID-19 crisis looming, and being asked to self-isolate, I’m sure many of you are looking for healthy activities that you can do at home. For some inspiration, I want to share with you something I wrote over a year ago:

“I’m on a purge.

And it feels so good.

If I’m completely honest with you, this year has been hard. There have been a lot of trials, disappointment and frustration. Dustin and I have been craving for a change, hoping for a new season to start. We’ve been pretty exhausted, and over it- basically.

For the last few weeks I’ve been crying out…”What is it that we need to do to create change!?” It’s been feeling very stagnant. Stiff. In a rut- starting from the home (centre of our heart, hey?), and beginning to trickle into my business.

We’ve been wanting to feel refreshed and invigorated.

Excited. After countless hints from the universe, we decided to do Konmari. We did this a few years ago, and it was life transformative.

What is Konmari? It’s a decluttering process. The magic art of tidying up, and only keeping what sparks joy.

My goodness, what a relief this has been. Each time Dustin and I sell or donate something, I feel a rush of exhilaration.



I’m finding that as we continue the decluttering process and a deep cleaning, a load is being taken off my shoulders. It’s so freeing, and helping me to re-find my joy.

Seasons are changing and goodness is flowing.”

I highly recommend you read the book “The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up” by Marie Kondo , it takes you through the whole experience and process of Konmari, plus the spiritual aspects to it too.

Hand to my heart, going through the Konmari process changed our lives. I found that as I purged physical objects from my life that no longer brought me joy, it opened up space for new things and opportunities to come my way.

Now when we walk through our home- every pocket, every corner, it fills our heart with so much peace and love and joy.

It’s truly a magical experience and I honestly believe this is the best time to do it. Globally we’re on a purge and a reset. Globally we are at home, reflecting on our lives and how we want it to look.

Let’s make our environments a reflection of our hearts desire.

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