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Samantha Ruckle Samantha Ruckle

Discovering your personality type and if you're an introvert.

Never apologise
for burning
too brightly

Or collapsing
into yourself
every night

that is how
galaxies are made.

- Tyler Kent White

It’s taken me a long time to get to where I am- comfortable in my own skin, accepting of who I am and my personality. Being okay with being an INFJ and an introvert. I used to be so apologetic for my quirks, and the way I operated. I’d get so frustrated that one day I’d be loud and weird, but the very next day hiding in my shell and not wanting to be near or talk to another human.

Everyone would tell me I was an extrovert, because I was loud- I believed them. I tried living my life as an extrovert, but I crashed and burned and was so unhappy.

After I did a couple of personality tests and learnt more about who i was- it was the most freeing moment. So this is why I always felt like a fish out of water! And this is why I mid-party would hide in the bathroom! And THIS IS WHY my skin would begin to crawl and my head feel foggy after way too much socialising. It’s not because I dislike humans- it’s because I was around humans for too long!

I’m really passionate about helping people discover if they’re introverts. Because living in an extrovert world, trying to act like one when you’re not, is utterly exhausting. Introverts have a unique superpower to unleash on this world- something that I think only introverts can bring. (Yes, I know, extroverts have things to offer too, but we have been celebrating them since the beginning of time…. Sooo, y’know…)

Can I encourage you to do something? With the coronavirus pandemic, and everyone (almost) being forced to stay home- now is a perfect opportunity to really get to know yourself. We have nothing but time right now, and with that time we can go deep and internal and discover new things about who we are. This is the introverts moment to shine! You can do a free personality test at 16personalities.com (not a sponsored post!). It was here that I learnt I was an INFJ and it completely blew my mind. From there you’ll find so many resources, You Tube videos, and articles about your personality type. When we know ourselves, TRULY know ourselves, we can use that knowledge to operate as our best selves- which in the end will serve the world for good, if you let it.

Introverts- may I say this again… THIS IS OUR MOMENT TO SHINE!

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