A short story on leaving paper cranes of hope in the community...

I see you, dear one. 

 From the moment I pick out the origami paper, I am holding you in my thoughts. 

 As I sit in quiet contemplation, folding a paper crane, it is you that I am thinking of. 

 With each crease of the paper, within each fold, as the paper crane is formed- I’m meditating on the hope and healing that is available for you.
I am sending out positive intentions your way, wanting to enthuse courage into your being- reminding you, that there is more.

More joy. More life. More love and peace…

More hope and healing.

 As I write the message that I leave with the paper crane, I am picturing the smile on your face as you read it.
A small spark of joy found in your day. An unexpected gift that you have stumbled upon. 

 I imagine you finding the paper crane- tucked away inside a café. On a park bench. Hanging from a tree.
Wherever it is, I see you finding it… or, rather, it finding you.

In its own perfect divine timing. 


INFJ's Dealing With Imposter Syndrome


This is a disappointing truth for INFJ's.